This information is provided for educational purposes only, not intended as investment guidance.

Groundcover is an integrated capital fund launching in 2023, managed by The Guild.

Groundcover’s mission is to seed and develop community-owned real estate that creates pathways for marginalized communities to build wealth, resilience, and self-determination.


Overview Deck for The Guild

📍 Location: Atlanta, GA

💰 Fund Size: $10M

🤝🏽 Ownership (General Partner): The Guild, a 100% BIPOC worker-owned cooperative

💸 Check Size: $250,000-$2M

Investment Thesis & Criteria

Over the last few years, The Guild has worked towards its mission of building community wealth and power through serving as developer and ecosystem builder of community-owned real estate models. We’ve learned a few things in the process, and have since sharpened our focus on raising reparative capital — layering grants, PRIs and MRIs (program-related and mission-related investments), and other low-cost, uncollateralized debt — from philanthropic institutions and values-aligned HNWs (high net-worth individuals).

<aside> ✨ Using the above lens, Groundcover will invest in projects with the following criteria:

<aside> 🌱 Development models that are regenerative to communities, i.e. that take properties permanently off the speculative market through some form of community ownership and governance — this could be a cooperative, land trust, community investment trust, or The Guild’s own model of a Community Stewardship Trust


<aside> 👷🏾‍♀️ Mixed-use, residential, or commercial real estate that have a development team comprised of majority people of color



The Guild is able to offer our development services on projects that require it as a supplementary offering to Groundcover’s capital, but it is not a requirement to receive investment.

Inbound Investor Terms

<aside> ✨ We seek investment from foundations, family offices, and accredited investors that understand that our work involves a focus on repairing historic harms and inequities, and thus requires investment terms that do not replicate market conditions:

<aside> 👉🏾 Unrestricted grants, recoverables grants and forgivable loans


<aside> 👉🏾 PRIs, MRIs, or other low-cost, uncollateralized debt in the 0-4% range


<aside> 👉🏾 Investment horizons of 5-15 years




We currently have 6 deals in progress that serve as examples of what the fund will continue to invest in. Please see attached deck above and our websites for more details. Other traction includes: